It’s The Little Things
Pandemic Diary Day 11
April 4, 2020
I saw an ad the other day for candles. You know the ones that everyone shows flickering all around the bath tub while people soak neck high in bubble bath.
Well I am not a candles around the bath kinda girl, but like almost everyone, I have those candles, because either I had a moment of weakness in a store, or I was given one.
At the time of the ad I thought it was a bit untimely, the Shelter in Place notifications were just starting and that kind of minor luxury ad seemed mis-timed.
Well…I realized maybe they bought that ad months ago, but the message was the same, take time for the little things.
So I suggest everyone break out their best dishes, their finest glasswear and a nice cloth tablecloth if you have one, and dine every night as though it is special.
It is special, because, and I truly hope this to be true, you are healthy and with ones you love.
Go into the guest bathroom, if you have one, and steal the soap. You know what I mean, there is always a bar there to show your guests they are special. Well, I promise, no one is dropping by for a while, so they won’t notice it’s missing.
I dug out one of those candles, and it is sitting next to my favorite reading chair, and before I sit down to the book I am presently enjoying, I light the candle and appreciate the luxury of such a simple action.
Take care of yourself, this is going to be a long road.
Trivial Things
My Horoscope for today: You never dreamed you would make such a powerful impression. You have higher-up’s attention, but you’re also the target of jealous glances.
The NYT Crossword Puzzle: Medium tough with a very obscure nymph
San Francisco weather: 55 degrees and cloudy
NYSE DOW closed today
Italian word of the day: tremare (quiver)
Spanish word of the day: pescar (to fish)
OED word of the day: ruly
Days under Shelter In Place: 22
Reading: The King Must Die by Mary Renault
Reading Canto V VI VII VIII of Dante’s Inferno
My Black and White Picture of the Day
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